Disappeared without a trace - how journalists are muzzled in Pakistan


When a journalist disappears in Pakistan, it is a warning to all those working on sensitive issues in the country. In Pakistan, these are mainly issues concerning the military. The "state within the state" has a firm grip on the media, journalists who dare to criticize the army are threatened with consequences. People are forcibly abducted and often tortured. The Pakistani journalist Zahra Kazmi has not let go of this topic for years. She researches, documents and tries to find out why people disappear and, above all, where they are. And this is not without consequences - she also receives threats to stop her research. She talks about how the situation in Pakistan is getting worse - but why she still retains hope for a better future.

Zahra Kazmi is a former fellow of Reporters Without Borders' Berlin Scholarship Program and completed three months of digital security training in Berlin in 2021: https://www.reporter-ohne-grenzen.de/en/scholarships/berlin-scholarship-program

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